Tuesday, June 14, 2011

RAAM - 2 Days to go and counting - with Pics!

Another day of preparation and practice as Micky and the Support Crew continue the countdown to Race day, and another day of mixed blessings to test some or all of us.  Mickey kicked off with a great 20mile ride through the scenic hills behind San Diego, with a couple of tough climbs which are part of the first leg of the race on Wednesday. It was good to have a practice run on the course with the route books and directions as we all learnt what BR (bear right), SS (stop sign) and FE ( #$%^& EJIT) meant. The countryside had lots of rocks and cacti and was direct from a spaghetti western  – except for the Casino’s and giant Ford “pick-ups”.  Mickey looked strong, chanting at the bit, smiling at the top of the stage reckoning the early climbs will sort the men from the boys. At the turnaround point we counted how many seconds before Dave would realise he was driving on the wrong side of the road. It was at least 5 seconds.
 We returned to a hearty breakfast of toast, toast and more toast well prepared by Chef Rusty and Cooks Apprentice Gary.  With much to do we scattered to the headwinds to “get our stuff done”. 
Dave headed off to Race Headquarters to get equipment and to “charm the pants off the organisers” (his words, not mine!). He achieved the first, and we dared not asked about the second. Dave even managed to pass himself off as Mickey at one point – “it’s like looking in a mirror”… Russell showed his invaluable handyman skills and that he watches too much PlaySchool, rigging up our vehicle flags and frames, and all from 2 pipe cleaners and a couple of bits of string!
Stan and his cousin Sam went shopping to experience WalMart at its best and worst, buying most of what we need from a blow-up pool (for an ice-bath), to marshmallows for our camp sing-alongs at night.
Mickey and Greg went back to LA as Mickey had some real work to do (yes – real work) taking off the lycra and donning the suit at Valencia to compare hospital IT systems. Greg decided to test out the hospital cafeteria and survived, but nearly didn’t make it after a “Code Red Secure…Code Red Secure…” came over the loudspeakers in the grounds as he went past the Behavioural Investigation Ward (aka Looney Bin).  It was an omen of much to come. Julie gave Greg the kiss of death with an SMS saying how good we sounded on the phone and how pumped we were. 30mins later Greg picked up the RV Motorhome and pranged it 1 mile down the road.
Greg filled it full of fuel and then ran over the bollards protecting the bowser, ripping open 1 metre on the side of the RV like an opened can. We then picked up our second RV and received a Guinness World Record for the worst fuel economy on the first RV – 1 mile on a $112 tank of petrol. Greg also filled up the bad language spreadsheet, with Stan needing to put in extra columns….. Greg received the inaugural “Calax Award” for Crew Member of the Day.
Greg felt better when Gary took the heat off by reversing the other vehicle into a post.  When driving from dinner Dave gave us a tip about how to remember which side of the road to be on, then promptly turned the corner onto the wrong side of the road, then did it again, then did it again. We are now struggling for drivers. When we ask “whom wants to drive???” there is an eerie silence and no-one wants to put their hand up.
A big cause of celebration was the birthday of Roger “the Governor” Riley, giving good cause for a cleansing ale and a wine tasting. Given Roger’s experience with the anti-thrombosis stockings, it was lucky he received a pair of fishnet stockings as a present from Mickey and the team. We’re not sure if he’s tried them on as yet, although Roger thought they would go down a treat with Lynne.  
We ended the day with a quick planning session, tired yet positive.  Greg, Stan and Dave slept in the RV with the first learning being “park on a flat surface” as we all kept sliding down to the end of our respective beds.
Although a number of things have not gone smoothly, we are in good spirits. Our experiences have reminded us of “no assumptions” ie be prepared for setbacks and issues. The real test is how we remedy tough situations, how we react as a team, and how we move on having learned from the experience.
We look forward to Celine joining us tomorrow to complete our complement. Given Celine is on the  plane wearing Mickey’s kilt and doffing down the most expensive champers she could get, anything could happen.
Today was a tough day, but in many ways a good day. Tomorrow is another day, and it will be a good day.
Happy Birthday Roger (and Lynne)

Rusty getting to grips with "new fangled" technology, typing at 1 word per 10mins.
MicRooCrew and staff at Fresco's restaurant - great food and great service

Greg with a vehicle he didn't crash

MickRooCrew House - 1st from the right - cosy!

Roger enjoying the benefits from Celine's anti-thrombosis stockings

Greg's room - great in an earthquake

The largest reciept the lady at Wal-Mart had seen (lots of 99c undies)

Chesty Bond Roger wishing "they all could be California Girls"


  1. There is some great reading in this blog. Love the pics as well. Would have loved some pics of the sardine can - i mean - the RV being opened.
    Safe travels - have fun and work together guys.
    Mickey pace yourself buddy - you have the mental capacity to nail this I am certain

  2. I have a good idea I think you guys need to ask one of Stan's C1 to C10 to do the driving that way you will all come back in one piece, Mickey I think the safest place is on your bike not in the RV.

  3. As long as you stay ahead of the crew Mickey you will have no problems!!! Good luck, strong legs and we will be thinking of you.

  4. Hi Mickey been following your progress on the raam web page , your going great. The guy out in front has to get helped off his bike and back on again. Keep to your plan and we will see you at the Oatley coffee shop when you get home. Jordan
